This blog is dedicated to working mothers everywhere.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Working from home is not all it’s cracked up to be... or is it?

Have you ever had a conference call in a bathroom? Or hid yourself in the closet while talking to a VIP client? Have you made funky throat noises to mask a toddler’s whining? You must be a mom who works from home. I actually find working from the office easier. Oooohhhhh the sacrilege, dare to admit the office is more pleasant. With technology nowadays not only can I email or call anyone anytime. But I can access my office PC remotely via software called CITRIX. I also have a Blackberry. That hideous device that thrusts the office across all boundaries. I dropped it the other day, my fumbling thumbs lost their grip on the train. Now my "Pearl" has a crack, so I officially have a"Crack-berry." I understand the need to work remotely but why do moms want to work from home so badly? Working mom’s have enough to juggle, why combine cranky kids and cranky clients! Is it some sort of hideous feeling of guilt? If I have the ability I should stay at home right? This is the ultimate mommy dream right? The ultimate balance? I’m not so sure! Where do the lines exist? Should the yoghurt drip on the office threshold? Why don't I ever hear of dad's working from home?

For me the answers lie in the priceless home office perks. Just minutes ago, I walked my girls down the driveway adjusted their backpacks and scarfs and kissed them before they got on the school bus. I waved fanaticly and did my little cooky dance and spilled my coffee. The glorious beauty of the scene is that my girls still think I’m cool… their crazy dancing mom isn’t embarrassing... yet. Now I sit behind my computer… my little boy humming and pushing his fire-truck around my legs. The best part is yet to come … I anticipate giving my girls big sloppy kisses when they get off the bus at 3:30. I will eat lunch with my little boy then I'll put him down for a nap. And most importantly this is all possible because I am VERY blessed to have a brilliant Au Pair to help watch my kids as I work. None of these moments would exist without her. She knows just when to shuffle my 2 year old off to the library... when I start running towards the closet phone to ear.


Anonymous said...

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Anyway, thanks and I shall get back further.

the mama bird diaries said...

I like that you now have an official crack-berry. Funny.

Working from home is filled with multi-tasking challenges. The bathroom is the only place to escape (as long as you have a lock)>

Anonymous said...

I can relate to your challenges of working at home and so agree that the office is easier! I'm new to the blogging world and will definately be back to read and share!

Anonymous said...

It's a funny thing, I worked from home when my kids were little. And when I returned to office life - it was a huge relief because I actually got my evenings and weekends back - and wasn't juggling phone calls between sleeps.

BUT - a few years on - and I look back fondly at that flexibility to go out and do things and not to be chained to the desk from 8 to 5 five days a week.

Next step for me is potentially contracting - and specifying a four week. Minor problem is maintaining the income - money is such as drag - and believe me teenagers are really expensive!

Anonymous said...

Apologies - just corrected my URL ...

Anonymous said...

That's the life... I sure do see the pros and cons of having an office at home, sounds like the right thing to do for the kids sake. Now I only have to think of a home based business to start with zero capital under my belt.

Billie said...

I love this post. I can certainly relate to your situation wanting to work from home - but it's not all it's cracked up to be either! Why are kids cranky and whiney when the phone rings or start up a fight with their siblings such impeccable timing?

Victory Garden said...

I just linked to this in a post on the California NOW blog.

Anonymous said...

It is a useful blog for the persons working at home. We get many information about home based business.



Unknown said...

I too, work from home...and so does my husband. It's a rare situation, and it does have it's pros and cons. I so agree, wholeheartedly, that the best thing we did was get connected to AuPairCare ( to help us find an au pair. She is the 'glue' that keeps us all together and keeps us not only sane, but really helps us get solid fun time with our kids when we're off, and when we are working, the kids are playing Japanese games and learning another language/culture. It's been a great 'package' for us. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

The work at home is 2x the work. A daycare and a bussiness. If you get time check out my third baby

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...


Just saying hello while I read through the posts

hopefully this is just what im looking for looks like i have a lot to read.

Unknown said...

I can't relate to this yet but I hope to learn a couple of things from you as I start my journey towards motherhood!

Lovely funny post, but is it incredibly hard working from home?